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Public Consultation

Dili Drainage Infrastructure Upgrading Project (DDIUP) 

Projetu Melloramentu Infrastrutura Drenajen Dili nian

See Documents at the bottom of the page / Haré Dokumentu iha pajina kraik

Draft EIS/EMP Public Consultation


The Environmental Impact Assessment (ALA) process of the Dili Drainage Infrastructure Upgrading Projects is underway, specifically the Draft EIS/EMP Assessment phase, according to number 5 of art. 11 of Decree-Law no.05 / 2011, with the following data:

  1. Proponent: Direção Nacional de Saneamento Básico (DNSB), Ministério das Obras Públicas (MOP)

  2. Address of the Proponent: DNSB Headquarters, Avenida 20 de Maio, Caicoli, Dili, Timor-Leste

  3. Type and Dimension of the Project: Rehabilitation of existing channels and / or Construction of new drainage channels in the metropolitan urban area of Dili

  4. Location: Urban area of the municipality of Dίli, includes areas of the Administrative Posts of Dom Aleixo, Vera Cruz, Nain Feto and Cristo Rei

  5. Environmental Authority: ANLA - National Authority for Environmental Licensing

  6. Address of the Superior Environmental Authority: Secretariat of State for Environment, Edifício Fomento, Mandarin, Dili Timor-Leste

  7. Address of the Environmental Impact Assessment Authority responsible for the Project: National Environmental Licensing Agency - ANLA, Edifício Fomento, Mandarin, Dili Timor-Leste

The EIS explains the methodologies and studies carried out to identify the significant environmental and social impacts and establish the most appropriate methods for minimising and managing the expected negative impacts, reflected in the Environmental Impact Assessment process.

After the studying the project area and drafting the EIS/EMP, the proponent must now carry out the Public Consultation of the ESI/EMP. This will be carried out under the terms and in the location indicated below, in order to guarantee access to information and public participation.


We hereby invite you to participate in a public meeting where the Proponent and its environmental consultants will explain the environmental process of the project and present the contents of the EIS/EMP for the project and where the stakeholders will be able to comment on them. Those locations are the following:

4 Aug 2020 - Cristo Rei Administrative Post

Time: 9am to finish / Location: Administrative Post

5 Aug 2020 - Nain Feto Administrative Post

Time: 9am to finish / Suco Akadiruhun Headquarters

7 Aug 2020 - Dom Aleixo Administrative Post

Time: 9am to finish / Suco Bairro Pité Headquarters

11 Aug 2020 - Vera Cruz Administrative Post

Time: 9am to finish / Suco Caicoli Headquarters

The proponent wishes to inform that, under the terms of Ministerial Diploma no. 47/2017, the DOCUMENTS contained in the AlA process, for this phase of the Public Consultation of this project, are available for consultation between 7 July and 2 September 2020 in this website (see documents at the bottom of the page:)

The complete Public Consultation process comprises the following activities and deadlines:
1) Access to project EIS/EMP documentation From 7 July to 2 September 2020;
2) Sending comments to the Environmental Authority from 7 July to 2 September 2020;
3) Public meeting to clarify the EIS/EMP of the Project on the dates and locations above.

Any interested party has the right to comment on the EIS/EMP documents within the framework of this Public Consultation process, but will only be considered and appreciated if these opinions and suggestions are related specifically to environmental issues and the EIS/EMP document of the project under evaluation, WRITTEN AND SUBMITTED (with confirmation of the reception) until 2 September 2020, to one of the following addresses:

Comments written on paper:

To:       Mr. António Lelo Tasi, Acting Executive Secretary

Autoridade Nacional para Licenciamento Ambiental (ANLA)

Secretaria de Estado do Ambiente, Edifício Fomento, Avenida Dom Aleixo, Mandarim, Dili, Timor-Leste

Comments written by email:

To:, with c.c. to and and m.santos@ADP.PT

Enkontru Konsulta Publiku Esbosu EIS/EMP


​Prosessu Avaliasaun Impaktu Ambiental (AIA) ba Projetu Melloramentu Infrastrutura Drenajem Dili nian (DDIUP) lao nafatin, espesifikamente processu avaliasaun Esbosu Deklarasaun Impaktu Ambiental (DIA) / Planu Jestaun Ambiental (PJA), tuir numeru 5 art. 11 Dekretu-Lei no.05/2011, ho dadus nebe’e tuir mai: 

  1. Proponente: Direção Nacional de Saneamento Básico (DNSB), Ministério das Obras Públicas (MOP)

  2. Morada do Proponent: Sede DNSB, Avenida 20 de Maio, Caicoli, Dili, Timor-Leste

  3. Tipo e Dimensaun projetu nian: Rehabiltasaun kanla be'e dalan nebe existe ona no/ka Konstrusaun kanal drenajen foun iha area urbana Dili nian

  4. Localizasaun: Área urbana munisípiu Dίli nian, inckui zonas Postu Administrativu Dom Aleixo, Vera Cruz, Nain Feto no Cristo Rei;

  5. Autoridade Ambiental: Autoridade Nasional Lisensiamentu Ambiental (ANLA);

  6. Enderesu da Autoridade Superior Ambiental: Sekretaria Estado ba Ambiente, Edifísiu Fomentu, Mandarim, Díli Timor-Leste

  7. Enderesu da Autoridade de Avaliasaun Impaktu Ambiental nebe’e responsavel ba Projeto: Ajénsia Nasionál ba Lisensiamentu Ambientál – ANLA, Edifísiu Fomentu, Mandarim, Díli Timor-Leste

DIA/PJA explika metodologia no estudos nebe realiza ona hodi identifika impaktu negativu sira ba ambiente no sosiál nomós estabelese métodu nebe adekuadu liu atu minimiza no jere impaktu negativu previstu sira, nebé reflekta iha prosessu Avaliação Impaktu Ambientál.

Hafoin ita estuda ona area projetu no hakerek DIA/PJA, proponenti tenki agora halo Konsulta Públika ba DIA/PJA.  Ne'e atu realiza tuir termus no lokal nebe indika iha kraik, atu fo'o garantia assessu informasaun no partisipasaun publiku nian. 

Ami konvida ita bo’ot sira atu bele partisipa iha Enkontro Publiku nebe proponenti ho consultor ambiental sira sei explica prosessu ambiental ba projetu no apresenta konteudu DIA/PJA projetu nian no mos parte interessada sira bele partisipa no halo komentariu. Lokasi partisipasaun tuir mai:

4 Ago 2020 - Postu Administrativu Cristo Rei

Horas: 9.00 to'o remata / Fatin: Posto Administrativu

5 Ago 2020 - Postu Administrativu Nain Feto 

Horas: 9.00 to'o remata / Fatin: Sede Suco Akadiruhun

7 Ago 2020 - Postu Administrativu Dom Aleixo

Horas: 9.00 to'o remata / Fatin: Sede Suco Bairro Pité

11 Ago 2020 - Postu Administrativu Vera Cruz

Horas: 9.00 to'o remata / Fatin: Sede Suco Caicoli

Proponenti projetu hakarak informa katak, iha termu Diploma Ministeriál no.47/2017, DOKUMENTUS sira konstante ba prosesu AIA, ba faze Konsulta Públika projetu ida ne’e nian, disponível ona atu bele halo konsulta husi 7 Jullu to’o 2 Setembru 2020 iha website ne'e (hare dokumentu sira hotu iha pajina kraik):

Prosessu kompletu ba Konsulta Publika inklui aktividadi no prazu tuir mai:

1) Assessu ba Dockumentasaun DIA/PJA husi loron 7 Jullu to 2 Setembru 2020;

2) Bele submete komentariu ba Autoridade Ambiental husi loron Jullu to 2 Setembru 2020;

3) Enkontro Publiku iha loron 29 Jullu 2020, husi 9:00h to'o 12:00h iha Sede Suku Tibar atu klarifika DIA/PJA Projetu nian halao iha datas no lokais nebe refere iha leten.


Parte interessada hotu iha direitu atu fo’o komentariu konaba DIA/PJA durante prossessu Konsulta Publika ne’e maibe Autoridade Ambiental konsidera no apresia deit opiniaun no sujestaun katak relasiona direta ho kestaun ambiental no dokumentu DIA/PJA husi projetu ne’e iha avaliasaun, nebe ita bo’ot apresenta ho forma escrita (hanesan karta ka email) no submete (ho evidensia / konfirmasaun katak entidade simu duni) to’o 2 Setembru 2020, ba morada ida husi lista nebe tuir mai:

​Komentáriu iha surat (karta, etc)

Ba:       Sr. António Lelo Tasi, Secretário Executivo Interino

Autoridade Nacional para Licenciamento Ambiental (ANLA)

Secretaria de Estado do Ambiente, Edifício Fomento, Avenida Dom Aleixo, Mandarim, Dili, Timor-Leste

Komentariu nebe haruka husi korreiu eletroniku (email)

Ba:, with c.c. to and and m.santos@ADP.PT

Documents for Public Consultation

To Download the documents, click the links below:

Current Public Consultation (Draft EIA/EIS):

VOLUME 1 - Environmental Impact Statement

EIS - Chapter 16 - Non-Technical Summary

EIS - Chapters 1 to 3

EIS - Chapter 4

EIS - Chapters 5 to 17

VOLUME 2 - Appendixes

EIS Vol II Appendixes - Cover and TOC

Appendix Chp 4 - Project Description

Appendixes Chp 6 - Environmental Description

Appendixes Chp 8 - 8.1 - Manleu System Alternatives
Appendixes Chp 9 - 9.1 - Air Quality Impact Assessment Report
Appendixes Chp 13 - Public Consultation Documents

Volume 3 - Drawings

01 DDIUP EIS_Vol III_Front Cover Rev B

Drawing 000 - Proposed Drainage Interventions in AOI
Drawing 001 - Project Location
Drawing 002 - Project Administrative Post and Suco Limits_F
Drawing 003 - Project Location Dili Administrative Post Maps
Drawing 004 - ADI AII from Appendix 4.2

Drawing 005 - Project Infrastructure and AOI
Drawing 006 - Biodiversity and AOI
Drawing 007 - Construction Phasing 5 Years
Drawing 008 - Land Use

Volume 4 - Environmental Management Plan

EMP 00 Front Cover
EMP Chp 1 to 3

EMP Chp 4
EMP Chp 5 to 9

EMP Chp 10
EMP Chp 11 to 20

EMP Chp 21 - Non Technical Summary ENG TET
EMP Chp 22













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