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Public Consultation

Tibar Landfill Rehabilitation and Improvement Project

Projetu Rehabilitasaun no Melloramentu Ateru Tibar

See Draft EIS/EMP at the bottom of the page / Haré Esbosu DIA/PJA nian iha pajina kraik

Draft EIS/EMP Public Consultation Meeting -
18 AUGUST 2021


The Environmental Impact Assessment (AIA) process of the Tibar Dumpsite Rehabilitation and Improvement Project - TDRUP is underway, specifically the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Environmental Management Plan (EMP) phase, according to number 3 of art. 11 of Decree-Law no.05 / 2011, with the following data::

  1. Proponent: Dili Municipal Authority (DMA)

  2. Proponent Address: Dili Municipal Authority (AMD) – Avenida Mártires da Pátria, Vila Verde, Dili, Timor-Leste

  3. Name of Project: Tibar Dumpsite Rehabilitation and Upgrading Project – TDRUP

  4. Project Type and Dimension: Remedy the existing dumpsite and transform it into a controlled landfill and improve its operation and operational facilities. The total installation area of the project is approximately 15.32 hectares, comprising the Garbage Disposal Area, Operational Support Area, Composting Area and Collection Vehicle Parking Area, and a non-operational area of 47 hectares, which will serve as reserve and protection of the Government’s investment in this infrastructure

  5. Location: Tibar Dumpsite, Suco Tibar, Bazartete Administrative Post, Liquiça Municipality

  6. Address of the Superior Environmental Authority: Secretariat of State for Environment, Edifício Fomento, Mandarim, Dili Timor-Leste

  7. Address of the Environmental Impact Assessment Authority responsible for the Project: Agencia Nacional do Licenciamento Ambiental – ANLA, Edifício Fomento, Mandarim, Dili Timor-Leste


The EIS and EMP intend to explain the project’s environmental and social aspects identified and assessed during the baseline studies, including commitments that the proponent has proposed in the EMP document for the approval of the environmental regulator to address the identified environmental and social issues.

While the preliminary assessment of the EIS and EMP is being carried out by ANLA, the proponent is required by Law to carry out the Public Consultation of the EIS and EMP, under the terms and in the location indicated below, in order to guarantee access to information and public participation, before proceeding to the final phase of the EIA process.

Thereby, we invite you to take part in this public consultation which will be held on 18 of August 2021, from 9am to 1pm, at the headquarters of Suco Tibar, Bazartete Administrative Post of Liquiça Municipality, where the environmental consultant will explain the project's environmental process and will make a presentation on the Draft EIS/EMP for this environmental evaluation and the interested parties can participate and comment on the process.

Dili Municipality, as Project Proponent, informs that,under the terms of art. 10° of Ministerial Diploma no. 47/2017, the elements contained in the AlA process, for this phase of the Public Consultation of the EIS and EMP of this project,are available for consultation between 11 August and 15 September 2021 in the places indicated below:

  1. Electronic Consultation: Ministry of State Administration website: (to be confirmed); TDRUP Consultant website:

  2. TOR Paper version for consultation:

  • ANLA facilities (headquarters of the Environmental Authority), from 08:30 in the morning until 12:00 and from 14:00 until 17:00 in the afternoon;

  • Facilities of the Dili Municipal Authority (headquarters of the Project proponent), from 08:30 in the morning until 12:00 and from 14:00 until 17:00 in the afternoon.

  • Tibar Suco Headquarters, from 08:30 in the morning until 12:00 and from 14:00 to 17:00 in the afternoon.


Any interested party, under the terms of DL 05/2011, has the right to comment on the EIS and EMP within the scope of this Public Consultation process, but only opinions and suggestions specifically related to the project under evaluation, presented in written form and sent to the below mentioned emails and/or in letter form to the headquarters of the National Licensing Authority, within the dates above mentioned, will be considered and appreciated.

Comments written on paper:

To:       Mr. António Lelo Tasi, Acting Executive Secretary

Autoridade Nacional para Licenciamento Ambiental (ANLA)

Secretaria de Estado do Ambiente, Edifício Fomento, Avenida Dom Aleixo, Mandarim, Dili, Timor-Leste

Comments written by email:

To:, with c.c. to and

Enkontru Konsulta Publiku Esbosu DIA/PJA -
18 Agostu 2021


​Projetu Rehabilitasaun no Melloramentu Ateru Tibar (iha inglés: “Tibar Dumpsite Rehabilitation and Upgrading Project – TDRUP”) tama ona iha procesu Avaliasaun Impaktu Ambientál, espesífiku liu iha faze ba Avaliasaun ba Deklarasaun Impaktu Ambien (DIA) no Planu jestaun Ambientál (PJA), tuir númeru 3 art. 11 nian hosi Dekretu-Lei no. 05/2011, ho dadus hanesan tuirmai ne’e: 

  1. Proponente : Autoridade Munisipál Díli – AMD

  2. Enderesu Proponente: Administrasaun Munisipál Díli (AMD) – Avenida Mártires da Pátria, Vila Verde, Dili, Timor-Leste

  3. Naran Projetu: Projetu Rehabilitasaun no melloramentu Ateru Tibar (em inglês: “Tibar Dumpsite Rehabilitation and Upgrading Project – TDRUP”)

  4. Tipu no Dimensaun Projetu: Hadi’ak ateru ezistente hodi transforma ba iha ateru kontroladu ida nomós, atu hadi’ak operasaun no ninia fasilidade operasionál sira. Área totál hosi projeto ne’e mak maizumenus 15,32 hetares, kompostu hosi Área ba Depozisaun Lixu, Área ba Apoiu Operasionál, Área ba kompostajen no Área ba Estasionamentu Veíkulu Rekolla nian no área naun operacional ho luan 47 hetares nebe hanesan reserva no protesaun ba investimentu infraestrutura Governu nian

  5. Fatin ba Projetu: Ateru Tibar, Suku Tibar, Postu Administrativu Bazartete, Munisípiu Liquiça

  6. Enderesu da Autoridade Superior Ambiental: Sekretaria Estado ba Ambiente, Edifísiu Fomentu, Mandarim, Díli Timor-Leste

  7. Enderesu da Autoridade de Avaliasaun Impaktu Ambiental nebe’e responsavel ba Projeto: Ajénsia Nasionál ba Lisensiamentu Ambientál – ANLA, Edifísiu Fomentu, Mandarim, Díli Timor-Leste

DIA no PJA ba Projetu ida ne’e atu esplika aspetu ambientál no no sosiál sira ne’ebé identifikadu no avaliadu tiha ona durante estudu Baselinenian, inklui kompromisu sira ne’ebé Proponente estabelese ona ho aprovasaun Autoridade Reguladór Ambientál nian, hodi hatan ba kestaun ambientál no sosiál sira ne’ebé mak iha.

Enkuanto ANLA hala’o avaliasaun preliminár ba Esbosu DIA no PJA, proponente iha obrigasaun tuir Lei atu halo Konsulta Públika ba Esbosu DIA no PJA atu garante asesu informasaun no partisipasaun públiku, molok atu pasa ba faze EIA Final tuirmai.  

Ho nune’e, Ami konvida ita bo’ot sira atu bele partisipa iha Enkontru Publiku ida ne’e iha Loron 18 Agosto 2021, hahú 9h to’o 13h, iha Sede Suku Tibar, Postu Administrativu Bazartete, Munisipiu Likisa,iha ne’ebé proponente ho konsultór ambientál sira sei esplika prosesu ambientál ba projetu no halo aprezentasaun konabá dokumentu DIA no PJA ba Avaliasaun Ambientál projetu nian nomós parte interessada sira bele partisipa no halo komentáriu.

Munisipiu Dili, hanesan proponente projetu, informa katak,tuir termu sira ne’ebé define iha artigu 10 Diploma Ministeriál no.47/2017, elementu konstante sira ba prosesu AIA, ba faze Konsulta Públika ba DIA no PJA projetu ida ne’e nian, disponível ona atu bele halo konsulta husi 9 Agosto to’o 15 Setembru 2021,iha fatin nebe’e mak bele haré iha kraik ne’e: 

​1. Konsultasaun eletrónika:  ​Website Ministeriu Administrasaun Estatal (sei atu konfirma), no website Konsultor Tékniku Ambiental ba Projeto:

​​2. Kópia físiku (surat) ba konsultasaun:

  • Instalasaun ANLA nian (edifisiu Autoridade Ambiental), husi 8.30h (dader) to’o 12.00h (meio dia) no 14.00h to’o 17.00h (lokraik)

  • Instalasaun Administrasaun Munisipiu Dili nian, husi 8.30h (dader) to’o 12.00h (meio dia) no 14.00h to’o 17.00h (lokraik)

  •  Instalasaun Sede Suku Tibar nian, husi 8.30h (dader) to’o 12.00h (meio dia) no 14.00h to’o 17.00h (lokraik)


Bainhira Enkontro Publiku taka, tuir termu DL 05/2011, sé de’it mak iha interese, Parte Interessada hotu iha direitu atu halo komentáriu ba Esbosu DIA no PJA iha ámbitu prosesu Konsulta Públika, maibé sei konsidera no apresia de’it opiniaun no sujestaun sira ne'ebé relasiona espesifikamente ho projetu ne’ebé iha ona faze avaliasaun. Komentáriu sira nebe’e atu halo tenki hakerek no haruka husi email ka hakerek ba Autoridade Avaliasaun Impaktu Ambientál ne’ebé responsável ba projetu, iha prazu hanesan indika ona iha leten, ba kontaktu hirak tuir mai ne’e:

​Komentáriu iha surat (karta, etc)

Ba:       Sr. António Lelo Tasi, Secretário Executivo Interino

Autoridade Nacional para Licenciamento Ambiental (ANLA)

Secretaria de Estado do Ambiente, Edifício Fomento, Avenida Dom Aleixo, Mandarim, Dili, Timor-Leste

Komentariu nebe haruka husi korreiu eletroniku (email)

Ba:, ho kópia (c.c.) ba no

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