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Environmental Assessment and Management


Environmental Assessment and Management is an increasingly important sector of every organization’s activity. Progress and demand of market standards and needs make the protection of the environment and an environmentally friendly image evermore relevant to an organization’s credibility. 
From this change in conscientiousness to the attribution of the environmental license, companies need to undergo an internal process to identify, evaluate and implement a group of measures and procedures that allow for the reduction and control of the impacts of their activities on the environment.

Consultancy and Support to Institutions


The State has a fundamental role in the regulation and guarantee of the fulfillment of the environmental obligations of the public and private sector. With the progressive increase of legal responsibilities in this area, it is also increasingly more important that the State provides multi-sectoral, legal, and regulatory guidelines and information so that all sectors of society and the economy may be informed of the environmental situation of the country and clearly know the rules to guarantee a healthy, balanced and sustainable environment. 

Training and Education


Environmental Education and Training focuses on presenting new perspectives on the environment, so as to achieve a change in attitudes towards its sustainable management. 
Real change in individual and collective environmental conscience is naturally a long term process that is mainly fuelled through education. An educated and informed population will tend to pay closer attention to how one may positively contribute to a sustainable and healthy environment.  

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